Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable People in Church
St. Mary’s Church recognises the special status of children and vulnerable people. Because of their vulnerability they will be awarded special privilege, they are to be treated as those created and loved by God. We therefore commit ourselves to take steps within our power to keep them safe from neglect, physical harm and sexual and emotional harm.
As part of this we ensure that we follow the government and Church of England guidelines on safeguarding children and vulnerable adults, including good working practice and safer recruitment of volunteers and paid workers.
We work to a formal safeguarding policy and procedure which is available on request.
If you have any concerns regarding the safeguarding or welfare of a child or vulnerable adult, or feel at risk, you can speak to our Parish Safeguarding Officers who are:
Vikki Couzens on 07912 092307
Ellen Couzens on 07941 526204
These are our Safeguarding policies:
St Mary’s Safeguarding children policy 2017
Parish safeguarding vulnerable person policy 2017
Here are some other numbers that you may find useful if you have any concerns and want someone to talk to outside of the church:
- Local social services: Monday – Friday: Children 030000 41 11 11 /
Adults 03000 41 61 61 / out of hours 03000 41 91 91 - Kent Police HQ – non-urgent number – 01622 690690 or 101 – in an emergency 999
- NSPCC – for adults concerned about a child 0808 800 8000
- Childline – for children and young people 0800 1111
- 24-hour National Domestic Abuse helpline 0808 2000247
- Action on Elder Abuse helpline 0808 808 8141
- NAPAC – offer support and advice to adult survivors of childhood abuse 0808 801 0331
- Stop It Now – preventing child sexual abuse 0808 1000 900
- Cruse – bereavement helpline 0808 1677
- The Silver Line – helpline for older people 08004 70 80 90
The following are the posters we display around our church buildings. The second is displayed lower down for accessibility purposes.