Each week there are a number of different services to suit all worship styles and personal circumstances.
Please click on a sub page to find out more.
Sunday mornings:
1st week of the month
8.30am Traditional said Communion
10.00am Café Worship
2nd week of the month
10.00am Holy Communion
3rd week of the month
8.30am Traditional said Communion
10.00am Morning Worship
4th week of the month
10.00am Holy Communion
5th week of the month
10.00am All Age Holy Communion
Thursday mornings:
1st and 3rd weeks
9.30am Morning Prayer
2nd and 4th weeks
9.30am Holy Communion
Saturday afternoons:
3rd week
4.00pm Messy Church
Weekday afternoons:
The church is used each weekday for an act of worship by the children of St. George’s Secondary School.
To find out more about why people go to church you can visit: https://www.churchofengland.org/faith-life/going-church